Friday, May 4, 2012

Today, I took a shit. In Italy

There got your attention.  If I did not get your attention, it is because you have been spending every sidetracked moment on Facebook, and your jaded interest in people's mundane updates on life has shown through.

No, this is not about my shits in Italy, hate to disappoint some of you.  But this is the first of many posts on the nine day Northern Italy skirmish my boyfriend and I just returned from.  I do not want these postings to be a humdrum account of every hour and every skirmish on the trip, much like Facebook has become.  I agree, shitting can be pretty interesting at times, especially when travelling, but this event is a daily part of life.  I want to show you the ordinary in Italy, which becomes un-ordinary through foreign eyes.

My hope is they will not bore you.  But I confess, as a traveller always reading others' blogs on places to visit and hole in the wall reccomendations, some of these blog posts may take on a Rick Steeve's personality, so I apologize.  However, if you are planning to visit any of the places, milk it.

And here is another teaser to get you salivating...enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. haha love this! and that pizza! (ESPECIALLY the pizza) gotta get me to Italy...
